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Showing 55–72 of 125 resultsSorted by latest
Man’s Search For Meaning
Only 5 left in stock
"Man's Search for Meaning" by Viktor E. Frankl is a powerful memoir that explores the author’s experiences in Nazi concentration camps and how finding purpose helped him endure unimaginable suffering. The book combines Frankl's insights into human psychology with his concept of logotherapy, emphasizing that meaning in life is the driving force behind survival and fulfillment.
The Art of Being ALONE
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"The Art of Being Alone" is a self-help book that teaches the value of solitude and how to find peace, strength, and personal growth while spending time alone. It encourages readers to embrace solitude as an opportunity for self-discovery rather than feeling lonely, helping them cultivate a healthier relationship with themselves.
IKIGAI Gujarati
"ઇકિગાઈ (IKIGAI)" એ હેક્ટર ગાર્શિયા અને ફ્રાન્સેસ્ક મિરાલેસ દ્વારા લખાયેલું એક પ્રેરણાદાયક પુસ્તક છે, જે જાપાનના જીવનદર્શન 'ઇકિગાઈ' વિશે સમજાવે છે. 'ઇકિગાઈ' એક જાપાની શબ્દ છે, જેનો અર્થ છે "જીવનનું હેતુ" અથવા "જગવામાં આનંદ મેળવો". પુસ્તકમાં દર્શાવ્યું છે કે કઈ રીતે આપણે દરેક દિવસને વધુ અર્થપૂર્ણ અને આનંદમય બનાવી શકીએ.
The Psychology of Money Gujarati
"ધ સાયકોલોજી ઓફ મની (The Psychology of Money)" લેખક મોર્ગન હાઉઝલ દ્વારા લખાયેલી એક અભિનવ અને વિચારપ્રેરક પુસ્તક છે, જે આપણું નાણાં સાથેનું સંબંધ અને તેમાં છુપાયેલી માનસિકતા વિશે વિચારવા પ્રેરણા આપે છે। આ પુસ્તક નાણાં, સંપત્તિ અને સફળતાને કેવી રીતે આપણા વિચાર, વ્યવહાર, અને ભાવનાત્મક માનસિકતાથી ગાઢ રીતે જોડાયેલ છે તે સમજાવે છે।
Atomic Habits Gujarati
"એટોમિક હેબિટ્સ (Atomic Habits)" લેખક જેમ્સ ક્લિયર દ્વારા લખાયેલી એક પ્રેરણાદાયક પુસ્તક છે, જે આપણે કેવી રીતે નાની અને સતત હેબિટ્સ બનાવી શકીએ અને તે આપણા જીવનમાં મોટા પરિવર્તન લાવી શકે છે તે સમજાવે છે
Rich Dad Poor Dad Gujarati
રિચ ડેડ પૂઅર ડેડ (Rich Dad Poor Dad)" એ રોબર્ટ કિયોસાકી દ્વારા લખાયેલી પ્રેરણાદાયક અને આર્થિક શિક્ષણ પર આધારિત એક પ્રખ્યાત પુસ્તક છે. આ પુસ્તક વ્યક્તિગત આર્થિક સમજણ અને ધનલાભ કેવી રીતે મેળવવો તે વિશે માર્ગદર્શન આપે છે. રોબર્ટ બે પિતાઓની કથા રજૂ કરે છે—એક ‘રિચ ડેડ’ અને એક ‘પૂઅર ડેડ’। પૂઅર ડેડ રોબર્ટના સાચા પિતા છે, જ્યારે રિચ ડેડ તેના મિત્રના પિતા છે, જેમણે રોબર્ટને પૈસા અને રોકાણનો જ્ઞાન શીખવ્યું
The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
Rated 5.00 out of 5
4 Ratings
Only 1 left in stock
"The Fountainhead" by Ayn Rand is a compelling novel about an individualistic architect named Howard Roark, who fights against societal norms to stay true to his creative vision and principles. It’s a story of ambition, independence, and the struggle for personal integrity.
Note: Due to huge demand and limited supply and stock, Delivery for this book might be slightly delayed compared to normal delivery.
I Don’t Love You Anymore Hindi
Only 2 left in stock
आई डोंट लव यू एनिमोर" एक भावनात्मक किताब है जो रिश्तों में प्यार के खो जाने और उससे जुड़े संघर्षों को दर्शाती है। यह उन जटिल भावनाओं के बारे में बात करती है जो तब पैदा होती हैं जब किसी को यह सुनने को मिलता है कि उनका साथी अब उनसे प्यार नहीं करता।
The Art of Not Overthinking
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"The Art of Not Overthinking" by Shaurya Kapoor is a self-help guide that aims to help readers break free from the destructive cycle of overthinking. It offers practical techniques to regain control over thoughts, reduce anxiety, and develop a more balanced approach to life.
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
Rated 5.00 out of 5
5 Ratings
Only 7 left in stock
"Don't Sweat the Small Stuff... and It's All Small Stuff" by Richard Carlson is a bestselling self-help book that focuses on reducing stress and learning how to live a more peaceful, fulfilling life by not letting the small, trivial things in life bother you. Carlson provides practical strategies and insights to help readers manage their emotions, overcome everyday irritations, and embrace a more relaxed and positive outlook on life.
Note: Due to huge demand and limited supply and stock, Delivery for this book might be slightly delayed compared to normal delivery.
48 Power of Law in Hindi (शक्ति के 48 नियम)
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"48 Laws of Power (48 पावर के नियम)" लेखक रॉबर्ट ग्रीन की एक चर्चित किताब है जो शक्ति, प्रभाव, और सफलता के बारे में गहराई से समझाती है। यह किताब ऐतिहासिक उदाहरणों और शक्तिशाली लोगों के अनुभवों से प्रेरणा लेती है और पाठकों को सत्ता और ताकत हासिल करने के 48 नियम बताती है। ये नियम आपको लोगों को समझने, किसी भी स्थिति में अपनी स्थिति मजबूत करने, और प्रभावी तरीके से अपनी इच्छाओं को पूरा करने में मदद कर सकते हैं।
Ikigai (इकिगाई) in Hindi
Only 2 left in stock
"इकिगाई (Ikigai)" एक जापानी जीवन दर्शन है जो जीवन के उद्देश्य और खुशहाल जीवन जीने का महत्व बताता है। यह किताब पाठकों को अपने जीवन का सही उद्देश्य खोजने और हर दिन को अर्थपूर्ण बनाने के लिए प्रेरित करती है।
Atomic Habits in Hindi
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"एटॉमिक हैबिट्स" (Atomic Habits) लेखक जेम्स क्लियर की एक प्रेरणादायक किताब है जो आदतों की ताकत और उनके महत्व को समझाने में मदद करती है। इस किताब में छोटे-छोटे बदलावों के ज़रिए बड़ी और स्थायी आदतें बनाने के तरीके पर प्रकाश डाला गया है।
Attitude is Everything
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"Attitude is Everything: Change Your Attitude... Change Your Life!" by Jeff Keller is a motivational self-help book that explores how one’s attitude directly influences success in both personal and professional life. The book is built around the idea that a positive attitude can transform your mindset, actions, and ultimately, your results. Through real-life examples and actionable strategies, Keller provides readers with practical tools to shift their attitude and unlock their full potential.
Dopamine Detox
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"Dopamine Detox" is a concept and a self-help book that encourages people to take a break from the constant dopamine triggers in their lives. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that drives pleasure and reward, and in today's fast-paced world, we are often overstimulated by things like social media, junk food, video games, and endless entertainment, all of which can lead to addiction-like behaviors and make it harder for us to enjoy simpler, more meaningful experiences.
I Don’t Love You Anymore
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"I Don’t Love You Anymore" by Rithvik Singh is a contemporary take on the emotional turmoil of relationships falling apart. This book delves into the pain and confusion of being in a relationship where love has faded, exploring the complex feelings of both the person who says the hurtful words and the one who hears them.
Singh explores the dynamics of love, loss, and self-discovery in modern relationships, addressing the raw emotions that come with rejection and the eventual healing process. Through a mix of storytelling and personal reflection, the book provides insight into how individuals can navigate such difficult phases, find closure, and eventually rebuild their sense of self-worth and happiness.
The Alchemist
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"The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho is a timeless novel that follows the journey of Santiago, a young shepherd from Spain, who embarks on a quest to find a hidden treasure buried in the Egyptian pyramids. Along the way, he meets various characters, including a fortune-teller, a king, an Englishman, and an alchemist, each offering wisdom that helps Santiago discover the true meaning of life.
Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future
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"Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future" by Peter Thiel (co-written with Blake Masters) is a thought-provoking book on innovation, entrepreneurship, and how to build revolutionary companies. Thiel, a co-founder of PayPal and an early investor in Facebook, shares his insights on how to create something truly unique in the marketplace—moving from "zero to one."